Igniting Leadership.
Team Power
Your New Career Track: Path of a Hero
Three-step career coaching by RosExpert partners
Decision Dynamics Серия 1. Вебинар 3. Новое лидерство - эмоциональный баланс
Decision Dynamics StyleView™ Complexity Motives и StyleView™ Emotional Behaviors.
The Two Worlds. How to Lead a Female Team Effectively

It is hardly possible to single out a purely female leadership style and ways to enhance employee engagement. However, we can consider the life scenarios and aspirations most common to women. Making a family, a need to take care of children, a desire to be heard and recognized, keeping the work & life balance, health, beauty and energy for achievements — learn more about the four career types and the employer's respective behavior strategy from the op-ed column by Oxana Morsina (the original text is in Russian).

Yuri Bocharov
Senior Consultant
“Speak, so I can see you.”


We are RosExpert, a Russian consulting firm specialized in assessment, formation and development of leadership teams.

We know the peculiarities of running business in various industries and offer solutions aligned with the vision and agenda of our clients. We share the particular leadership philosophy, being attracted by the commitment and indomitable aspiration for achievement.

We help assess the situation and comprehend the need for change (REview). We find people capable of unlocking their potential in a new role (REform). We harmonize and enhance cooperation within leadership teams (REfine).
We utilize the best global practices and innovative tools in leadership search, assessment and development. Our track record of 25 years combined with a deep insight into the Russian market enables us to deliver effective solutions at any business development stage.